IHC Fundraising Update – Calf & Rural Scheme

You may have heard recently in the news that IHC have made the call to suspend its transfer and sales of livestock as part of its Calf and Rural Scheme for the first time in 33 years. This is because of the risk of spreading Mycoplasma bovis.

The rural community is rallying around IHC’s efforts to find alternative ways to raise a $1 million funding target without increasing the risk of spreading Mycoplasma bovis. However, the support of the Smile Club has become all the more essential in helping ensure IHC can continue to support people with intellectual disabilities in communities throughout New Zealand.

To read more about this decision https://engage.ihc.org.nz/content/qa/gjiwxd


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What’s your lasting legacy?

A gift in your Will can make a huge difference in the lives and futures of New Zealanders with intellectual disabilities living in your community. This could be your legacy. 

Please share it with us. For more information, please contact Chansina Chin by email (chansina.chin@ihc.org.nz) or phone 0800 746 444.

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Making family memories

The Payton family don’t often get away, but thanks to Smile Club donations they recently had a break away in Taupo and the kids are still talking about it.

Click here to read why!

IHC Fundraising update – Calf & Rural Scheme

This scheme, which raises $1m a year, has been changed due to the Mycoplasma bovis outbreak.

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Thank you for being a friend

Saroj wanted a friend to go out with – someone who appreciated her Indian culture. Ankita wanted to make a difference in the life of someone with an intellectual disability. Thanks to Smile Club donors like you, they were matched up as part of IHC’s volunteer friendship programme. 

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IHC Art Awards

An intricately detailed drawing by Dunedin artist Becky Donovan (pictured) has won the 2018 IHC Art Awards. Becky’s piece, Cat, after Barry Cleavin, is a tribute to Christchurch-based printmaker Barry Cleavin.

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